two images of Erin Hynes, blogger and travel writer for Pina Travels

About Pina Travels

Hi, I’m Erin! But my nickname is Pina. I believe travel is an incredible way to learn not only about the world, but about yourself. The goal of this blog is to inspire you to travel, and to do so responsibly. I also host a podcast about responsible travel called Curious Tourism.

On Pina Travels, you’ll find guides that cover topics like how to avoid overtourism, tips for traveling sustainably, and unpacking travel privilege. You’ll also find guides that cover places all over the world, including my home province, Ontario.

I’m an active member of the Travel Media Association of Canada, and I’ve been featured by Business Insider and the Toronto Star. In October 2023, I was selected by a panel of judges as a finalist in The Influence Awards. In October 2022 I was shortlisted for four Traverse Creator Awards, and in November 2022 I won a Traverse Creator Award for Best Written Piece.

Read About Responsible Travel:

logo for the responsible travel podcast curious tourism

Listen to My Responsible Travel Podcast

Curious Tourism is a bi-weekly podcast that explores how we can travel in a way that is better for people, and for the planet. Join me as I chat with guests from around the tourism industry, taking a careful look at what truly makes travel and tourism responsible.